Monday, April 5, 2010

Networking for Good

No non-profit is an island, to survive our organization needs to be involved with the larger community of activists, communities, urban farms, and change makers. We can share ideas and support one another as the sustainability and food security movement begins to take hold. 

Our School at Blair Grocery
is a vital school, farm, and community center in New Orleans ran by a prominent teacher come organizer Nat Turner. Turner left a six figure job as a debate teacher to reclaim a New Orleans landmark after witnessing the devastation post-Katrina. Our School at Blair Grocery is in the lower ninth ward, a poverty stricken area in New Orleans that was left particularly vulnerable after the hurricane. The Blair Grocery had served the lower ninth ward for years, and was an important African American run business for the area. The children of the Blair family grew up to become doctors and lawyers. Blair Grocery has always been held up as an icon for how member of struggling communities can develop into valuable members of society if given the right opportunities. After hurricane Katrina the grocery store was unable to stay afloat like so many other businesses and shuttered their doors.

Nat Turner is returning that legitimacy to the lower ninth ward with Our School at Blair Grocery, which gives the neighborhood youth opportunities to learn urban farming, nutrition, and entrepreneurial skills. Turner and his crew have power washed the walls and reopened the doors as a vibrant community gathering spot. It is an agri-educational training center, and quickly becoming a source of pride for the community. Two important figures in the Feed Denver office, Rick Garcia and Kate Johnson, are in New Orleans this weekend to connect with Our School and build an aquaponics (fish farm) there. They are participating in a growing global community of people who care about local food security, real education for all people, and thriving urban farms. We are sure they are learning a lot of things they can bring back to Denver as well!

Become involved by learning more about Our School at Blair Grocery here:

Become involved with a community of Urban Farm advocates right here in Denver by joining us for an annual Spring Clean Up Volunteer Weekend! We will compost, plant, weed, and be a part of the movement!

April 10th, 9-4
April 11th, 10-4

Call or email to let us know your coming, and we'll see you this weekend!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

I cant get over how beautiful the entire idea of Our School at Blair Grocery is. It is so fitting that the rebirth of a city can be aided by the growth of a small farm and all the good that comes with that. Thank you so much for being a part of it. I hope you are able to share what you learn with us!